Friday, April 27, 1984

Ask Goldstein

Q: Do you exist?
A: I exist in your mind, therefore I exist.  I have power over your actions, therefore I exist.
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Q: How would you, or plan to, bring down the party?
A: Lots of people assume the Proles are the answer to this question, but I do not agree.  I see them as a different society entirely, who come into direct contact with the party infrequently, and when they do come into contact with the party, they often don’t recognize it.  They are content with the life they are dealt, and have more freedom than party members.  Why would they risk giving that up for a different kind of freedom they can’t comprehend.  No, the real way to destroy the party is to create doubt within the party members.  The way to create doubt is to do away with double think and present things how they truly are.
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Q: What made you first start to hate the party?
A: I remember before the party took control. Believe it or not, they haven’t ALWAYS been the force they claim.  Even though I still had human instinct to love, and to touch, and to care about others, my self preservations instincts pushed me to go along with the teachings of the party.  I even rose within it.  So did my brother, who was my best friend, in a time when sincere friends have become extinct.  One day my brother didn’t come to work, or the next day, or the next day.  He was gone, and there were conveniently no records of him, but I still l know that he had been there.  I know the party doesn’t control the real past, no matter how hard they try.  That was when I first started to hate the party.
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Q: How does the brotherhood work?
A: There is no set system.  It works through people who hate the party and are willing to doubt it.
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Q: Would you help your members if they got captured by the party?
A: Yes.  We, unlike the party, know that are members are individuals, and not disposable.  If we were to let them just parish in some cell, that makes us no better than the party.

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