Friday, April 27, 1984

How The Party Maintains Control

Miniluv is the ministry dedicated to enhancing loyalty to Big Brother and removing loyalty to anyone or anything else.  In chapter one Winston describes the building of the Ministry of Love to be large, with no windows, surrounded by barbed wire and guards.  This is where thoughtcriminals are taken to be “cured” through any means possible.  Winston and Julia are cured of their “dangerous thoughts” by various methods of torture, and an eventual trip to Room 101, which contains the “worst thing in the world.”  This ministry and their methods of curing criminals are essential to The Party’s complete control.  The ability to distort thoughts through torture discontinues unique viewpoints, allowing The Party to have complete and constant loyalty of the citizens.
"WAR IS PEACE," "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY," "IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH" is engraved on the outside of the Minitrue building.  This building, containing over three thousand room is where main character, Winston Smith works.  The ministry’s objective is to oversee any publication and ensure that any prediction made my Big Brother is correct.  Often times this means going back and editing the documents that may have been “incorrectly” printed.  The Party’s ability to change this information projects the illusion that Big Brother is omnipotent, and removes any idea that He could make a mistake, leading to a greater trust by the citizens of Oceania.  
Miniplenty is not discussed as much in the book as the other three ministries, however it is the key to The Party continuing absolute control over Oceania.  The Ministry of Plenty oversees the controlled economy.  Their duties include production of food and other supplies, as well as rationing these items to the citizens.  In actuality, they are the force behind the constant state of poverty found.  Working hand-in-hand with Minitrue, they are able to project themselves as the saving grace to the citizens.  This false sense of prosperity guides the people, not only to trust Big Brother, but to worship him for His generosity.
War is constant in Oceania.  While the other three ministries are necessary to uphold the totalitarian government, Minipax is the key ensuring the control.  Winston understands the reasoning behind this after reading Goldstein’s book.  In the book it is explained how war allows citizens to direct their rage to a “worthy” body.  By blaming Eurasia or Eastasia for any short-comings they can turn to their beloved Party to look after them.  This fear and anger fuels the dependency on The Party, allowing total control. 
By: Morgan Taylor

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