Friday, April 27, 1984

Symbols Found by the Resistance

Big Brother:  With a name like “Big Brother” it leads you to believe that the leader of The Party is there to protect the citizens of Oceania.  Through the use of propaganda, that is exactly what is believed.  He is the elusive figure, who may or may not actually exist, watching for the criminals and protecting the party supporters.

The Paperweight:  At an antique store in the Prole district Winston purchases a paperweight, not knowing exactly what its usage is. While one may wonder why an antique store would be allowed, (seeing as Big Brother’s goal is to remove anything that may remind the citizens of Oceania of the past) but this play an important role understanding Winston’s desire for the past. To him, the paperweight serves as a reminder of what once was and fuels his hatred of Big Brother.  Once he is captured with Julia, the paperweight falls to the ground and is shattered, just like his dreams of freedom.

Memory Holes:  There were the chutes attached to the furnace that Winston was to throw scraps of paper into after he had “corrected” past news articles.  Seeing how the party’s main objective is to erase the past the term “Memory Hole” is fitting.  The memories of the past are being burned so only the future, or “the past”, created by the party can be discovered.

Victory Cigarettes/Victory Gin
Victory Cigarettes and Victory Gin appear throughout 1984 as Winston’s way to escape his dangerous thoughts.  These particular names demonstrates how The Party controls production in Oceania and constantly reminds its citizens that victory is inedible for the never-ending war.
By: Morgan Taylor

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