Friday, April 27, 1984

Introduction to Newspeak Dictionary Volume 12

Newspeak is the official language of our great country of Oceania.  It cuts outs out unnecessary words, and leaves only those you need to communicate with.  Once you become fluent in this language it requires no thought whatsoever.  Soon it will be the only way to communicate with other citizens of Oceania. Newspeak increases our advantage over our enemy, Eurasia, by cutting down the time it takes to communicate (sending message, receiving message, and understanding message) with each other.  With Newspeak, we will become even more of a super power. It is your duty as citizen of Oceania to become fluent in Newspeak.  Here Big Brother have provided a consolidated way to learn and understand Newspeak, we strongly advice you take advantage of this opportunity.

All the besst

Liam Horan
-Director of Newspeak, Ministry of Truth

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